
Welcome! My name's Christie...it's nice to meet you!  I'm glad you stopped by to find out a little more about me.... 

I was born and raised in the deep south, where there's usually some country cooking going on, and a family event most always involves gathering around the table. 

I find joy in the simplest things in life... like watching a sunset, walking in nature, sipping tea with sugar and cream, eating chocolate, and coloring with my little grand-daughter,  just to name a few. The simple things in life don't usually cost a thing....and they really are the best.  I am a Christian, I love the Lord, He's the keeper of my heart, and I am so thankful for my relationship with Jesus.  

Like most women, I have many interests and I am a wearer of many hats, life is full and it seems to get fuller every day. Am I right? I've spent most of my life being a stay at home wife and mama, (although I once was a hair dresser for a time).  I've been married to the love of my life, jr high school sweetheart, for 33 years now. I'm a mother to two grown sons, both married, (and we became empty nesters in 2021), and I'm also a grandma to three sweet little grandchildren. I consider my family, my life's treasure and I love anytime I can spend time with them. 

 I take great pride in all things home and making things cozy. I enjoy home decorating, especially seasonal stuff. I also like hunting for vintage treasures, I love a bargain, and I enjoy frequenting flea markets, junk stores and thrift stores, and even a yard sale when I can find one, (I'll do a u-turn in a hot minute to get to one, lol). I'm a wannabe crafty creator/artist, and a lover of nature and nature photography. 

I  had an Etsy Shop, (but I've closed it for now), but it has been a fun hobby for me. I've always had a love for time worn old things, and with being a collector of vintage treasures for years, I had an overflow of pretty things and limited space, so back in 2008, I decided to share some of my things with those that have a love of the same things as me at Etsy.....so my Etsy shop was born. I enjoyed every minute of that journey. I've met some of the most wonderful people along the way too. It's been great connecting with others that have the same interests as I do at Etsy and here on this blog. 

I hope you'll have fun browsing my blog

Thanks for stopping by for a visit!

(updated 4-2024)