Monday, December 1, 2014

Re-purposing Rotary Phones...

I found out something interesting this week... in the very near future you could be able to re-purpose a vintage rotary phone into a doorbell, how neat?!  How I found out about the ingenious re-purposing idea, is I was recently contacted by Brett Pepitone, he featured a picture of my rotary phone in his Kickstarter Project video, he used it as an example of the many styles of rotary phones that could be used with his device to convert these old phones into a charming and unique doorbells for the home. My phone was featured alongside a few others from Etsy... thanks Brett for including me.  I was happy to have my phone featured in the video for the Kickstarter Project. I have added his press release below so that you can get to know him a little better and find out what he's been up to in regards to creating this device to transform vintage rotary phones into doorbells that ring through the phone.  

The information below was given to me with Brett's permission to use and share here with my readers, you can click to enlarge.

If interested in finding out more about Brett's project or if interested in backing his project please visit HERE.  

Thanks for stopping by! Best Wishes to you Brett!  

Special Note To My Readers/Disclaimer:
 In case you may be wondering, I was not compensated for this posting, nor do I expect to be compensated for sharing this information. I simply found it interesting, and wanted to help get the word out about this project. I am not affiliated with the Kickstarter project itself, it belongs solely to the owner of the project.