From my old photo files....I wanted to share a few pictures of my little garden gate that I filled with Antique Victorian Valentine's Day Postcards and other rosy, forget-me-not, sweetheart decorations....I love old postcards.... and the seasonal ones are especially pretty to decorate with for the different times of the year...
You can visit this past post HERE and you'll find more of my collection of antique Valentine's Day postcards, that you can print and use in your own Valentine's Day crafty creations and decorations.
Here's another picture of my handmade heart banner... that I made one year from paper hearts and lace...I find a different location for it every year it seems...
For Valentines day, I always love to bring out something with a courting couple on it....I'll be including as part of a vignette somewhere in my home too....
I can't believe that February will be here before we know it!