Monday, March 27, 2017

Inspirational Tea Book, Oval Picture Frame, Orchard Inn Family Farm Tapestry, and a Blue Violet Vanity Box....

 I'm popping in to show you my most recent finds....
 a cute metal birdcage votive candle holder with rose...

 this pearl colored old vanity box with pretty blue violets design...

 a lovely "Tea and Inspiration" book by Mary Pielenz Hampton.... it's filled with tea ideas, recipes, (I might have to try some of these), and inspirational Bible quotes...

this salvaged piece of tapestry fabric with apple trees and branch designs "Orchard Inn Family Farm"..... this will be great to incorporate into a sewing project (perhaps a pillow, or kitchen towel) or to frame and hang on the wall in the kitchen! 

 and this oval frame that I put vintage wallpaper in.....maybe I'll make a little collage of frames featuring old wallpaper to display the different scraps I have found....wouldn't that make  interesting wall art?

Thanks for stopping by!