Wednesday, May 10, 2017

For the Love of Vintage Fabrics....

I recently went to a trading post located out in the country in southeast husband and I had a fun time plundering around.... and I came home with this old tattered quilt. It had holes, lots of wear and tear, but I couldn't help myself, I couldn't leave it there, I just couldn't, it had been so needed to be rescued. I know that someone out there had spent a lot of time making it, and I felt like some of the pretty antique fabric at least could be cut and salvaged and re-purposed into some sewing projects and crafty creations. 

I imagine some of the pieces were once feed sacks and fabrics from unmendable clothing. My great-grandmother made several quilts similar to this and they were passed down to my grandma, I loved looking at them when I was a little girl. Grandma could tell me what each fabric on the quilt once was...a dress, pants, shirt, her dad's tie, an apron ect...I was amazed by that. The quilts were very precious to her.  From a very young age, I had an appreciation for old hand sewn quilts, especially the one's from the early 1900's and the depression era. I feel like this one I found is from around that time or maybe older. I am always on the hunt for anything quilted.

 This quilt did need to be washed, there was no way around it. So it got laundered, and as expected, some of the quilt was not salvageable at all.... but I'm happy that I was able to save a lot of it, and there are many pieces of the quilt that are in good enough shape to still be re-purposed.....

These pieces will be wonderful to incorporate into a sewing project or other crafty creation! I've seen lots of interesting things made from primitive quilt, collages, ornaments, and these could even be sewn together and framed.  I'll be sure to show you what I decide to do with the pieces that  I kept....I've got a few ideas...

Tell me, have you found any fun old treasures lately? What was the best thing you ever rescued while out junkin'?

Have a great rest of the week...thanks for stopping by today!

*Edited to add photos of some of the ways I re-purposed this old wall hangings....

Showcased around my front door....

And displayed on my shabby white shelf....

Thanks again for stopping by!