Sunday, February 26, 2017

Fresh Flowers, Birds & Nests and Vintage Floral Needlepoint....

 I'm still enjoying my flower bouquet that my husband brought me for Valentine's Day.....

  I've been thinking Spring with March fast approaching...I've not yet decided whether or not to put my white slipcovers back on the sofa and love seat for Spring and Summer.  I'm still liking the warmth of  the brown right now, plus it's easier to keep clean... so I'll wait and see.  

Some of my flowers have withered away, but a few blooms are still hanging in there..

So I took them and put them in a  smaller vase and bowl.....I'll probably only get another day or two out of these survivor's....

 Tell me, did you eat any chocolates this month? Here's what's left of mine, I think it's safe to say that I've had enough please do help yourself. 

I'm looking forward to Spring, how about you?

Well, I better go, thanks for visiting, I hope you have a wonderful lazy Sunday afternoon!